I just wanted to give you an update on my baby girl! I went to the dr yesterday and it looks like things are going great... I'm 36 1/2 weeks, 3cm, and 80% effaced. I'm lucky to have a dr with the philosophy about inducing labor: "do you pick an apple off the tree when it's ripe or do you wait until it's fallen to the ground to rot!"
How thrilled am I about that?! He said that he is going to induce me in less than two weeks from now, if she doesn't try to come any sooner. We are still trying to work out a date - with Marshall's midterms and our dr leaving town... we'll keep you updated and let you know when it's gonna be.
We are doing great. We're just trying to get everything organized and settled for her arrival. We had to face (and kill) the black widow spiders we found on our garage door when we went to get the storage bins of baby girl clothes... Scary! Good thing Marshall had his 3-Iron, and that the dents are on the INSIDE of the garage door! It's been a little tricky trying to squeeze our two girls' things in their tiny bedroom, but I'm sure we'll be able to pull it together when the time comes.
We are cherishing every moment we have with Ava, because we fear (and know) that she won't be getting the same attention once her sister is here. Hopefully we'll have a smooth transition... I know Ava LOVES babies! We love you all and are anxious to hear more updates from the fam! Love you all, Amy
its coming up! fast for me of course! i need tom sure I AM ready! just kidding...
were you induced w/ the 1st one too? i enjoyed the "surprise" of each delivery they all happened TOTALLY differently!...only my 4th was induced--
I can't believe you're so close....and I like your doctor's philosophy! You guys had better be all over sending pictures after she's born! Have fun organizing the nursery.
Aimers....do you have any issues with waiting until you're a full 39 weeks to 40 weeks? I know you're anxious, but I'm not sure why you wouldn't go as long as possible...at least to within 39 weeks! Just my unhumble opinion! --Kim
To the peanut gallery,
Yeah, I like the doctor's philosophy too! After Dr. Rasmussen retired, we weren't really sure of what exactly to expect out of our new doctor. Imagine our surpise, then, when we found such an absolutely wonderful doctor as Dr. Maughn. He's been a Bishop in our stake, has a great bedside manner and really knows how to explain things so that people like me can understand what's going on.
At the last appointment, we started talking to him about inducing because our baby's due date is actually right during some of the more time-consuming days of my semester and also a period of time when he is out of town. So with his obligations in mind and my wanting to be as much a part of everything as possible, we really wanted to know what options were available to us with regard to induction.
First and foremost, we considered our baby's safety and development. (Hence, the ripe apple philosophy.) We figure if a qualified doctor of 30+ years feels everything will be fine it probably will be. Additionally, Ava was born EARLIER than this baby will be and look what a CUTIE she is!!!
Second was our consideration with help at home. The fact is (as you all know) kids are a lot of work, and with Amy recovering and me hammered with midterm exams, we felt good about the time our Doc proposed largely because its just the two of us up here. (We've had to learn how to rely on eachother rather than be dependant on others - not always an easy thing.)
All in all, we are so thankful to have made it this far. We recognize how blessed we are and feel absolutely comfortable with our doctor's counsel regarding the birth date.
On another note, let me just say what a trouper Amy has been. This has been no small task to take care of me, her little girl and herself to boot, while feeling so uncomfortable pregnancy-wise! I am so grateful for my sweetie and am proud of what a great mom she is!!!
So no worries about your "unhumble opinions," we just take it as your sign of caring. :)
I think Amy was a good month early herself, right? As was Carrie... Anyway, along with everyone else, I just can't believe that this is right around the corner!!! I'm actually anxious for you myself, and forgetting how miserable bedrest must be, I, too, am grateful for a doctor that likes to "work around schedules" when it comes to babies. I can't WAIT to see what she lookes like!!! You'd better get a CD sent right away! You can't send too many pictures, you know!!! --Kim
I know... I'm a baby... I admit it! (I'd tell you all of my physical complaints, but I don't think they are blog appropriate:)!)I don't know how some women go over due and are okay with it! It's just when they tell you a date, you start to plan and get anxious, it's hard to keep waiting... but everyone keeps telling me to enjoy my sleep while I have it - and I agree... I don't think I know what I'm in for in just a little while! And it's exciting for me because I'm the first to go in the string of 5 babies... which makes me excited for all of you guys to follow not long after... it's gonna be one crazy year!
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