October 13, 2007

witches at gardner village

Carrie, Jennifer, Tiffany, Kim
(thanks for organizing this, Jennifer!)

l-r: Andrew, Aaron, Thomas, Natalie, Holden, Abby,

Carrie, Matthew, Kim, Ashley, Adam, Mom Love

The kids had a great time running around the village;

the moms wished they could have shopped a little bit without them!

Joshua, Thomas, Adam

-posted by Tiffany, 10.13.2007


Marshall said...

Dressed in black... true to Loveridge Fashion! You all look so beautiful! I sure miss all of you guys! I still have never been on one of your outings to Gardener Village... we'll have to go there in December when I'm home! And, I can't believe how big all the kids are! They are so tall and don't look so little anymore... they are so grown up! Thanks for the pictures! I love you guys!

Christina said...

that looks like a fun place! whats with all the WELL endowed witches?!?! what in the world?!?!

Kim said...

Amy...it's never the same without you. We sure miss having you at even the dumbest of events, like after school visits to Grandma Loveridge's and the like. Can't get to December soon enough! --Kim

Oh, and Tiff, so glad you could come if just for a short while. The pics alone made it worth it.