November 17, 2007
the ghost of Christmas Past
So, LAST year a desperate attempt to buy John something he actually DIDN'T know about ended in a purchase of a remote control airplane. I don't know why my unrealistic expectations allowed me to believe he would actually USE the thing. After all, just last week, he put on clothes and ripped the TAGS off, that were purchased last Christmas as well. However, with 20 minutes of daylight left, and one day before a sharp downward spiral in temperature is predicted for Utah, he put the thing together, took us all out in the twilight, and FLEW the thing. Today will now be celebrated as "Second Solo". Here's a pic.

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Well, if it makes ya feel any better, it took me two years to start regularly using the Kitchenaid mixer Mom and Dad gave us for our wedding! Now I don't know what I'd do without it!
One more thing...and I am a big nerd! I made a comment below (in the calendar section). Go read it and respond, because you know I can't sleep at night if my words sit withering and unread! It's just some thoughts about the gift opening.
That's so fun! I can't wait until we are real-life adults with real jobs so that I can get Marshall one of those things! So fun!
It also took me almost 2 years after we were married before I used my Bosche mixer from Mom and Dad, and I only used it twice before it got stolen. Now I'm actually in a position to be using it... Bummer... I'm still cryin' about it!!
good times for john! im surprised he's in SHORTS there in utah?!?! although it was 90 here last week..flip flop weather FOR SURE! its nice again this week too..i know are you SOO JEALOUS!
as far as the voting for xmas plans..i choose anything that has to do with chocolate or food...
we typically will do xmas eve w/ my family..and then xmas morning in our own home, and then mosey on down to OC to hang w/ jons family--we dont do anything "traditional" while we are there-just sit and visit..in his family we dont have any of the cousins exchange gifts, only the sibling/couples..and for the past 3 years we have only done a family xmas tree ornament..we started with chad who has the one sibling below him (jon) then jon would have todd, todd would have kristi etc you get the idea, then the 2nd year its 2 silbings down, then the 3rd year is the 3rd sibling down..you get the idea again right!? you try to pick an ornament that has to do with something in the families lives that happened that year, ie new baby, new job, graduation etc..so in 20 years each of our xmas tree's will be filled with all of our memories-does that make sense!??! geesh! that was quite the explanation!! then each couple gives something to jons parents-doing it this way really helps to lessen the chaos and money going into xmas and leaves more time and money for our individual families..
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