November 9, 2007

Do you hear what I hear? No? Good.

If I have to choose Harry or Ashton, the baby wins hands, as per Marshall's advice (yes, we listen, we're just slow) I took the slide show off, but rather than republish without music, I chose to just post my two favorites of him. Thanks for helping me through this Marshall...! --Kim

Here is Ashton, up close and personal, minus the "slide show." I think we all got a chance to watch it before anyway. I deleted it, and figured these pictures are just as good, right?
Isn't he just the yummiest little chubba! Look at those "Matt Monson" cheeks!

November 7, 2007

I'm back!

Friends and family, after a month-long hiatus from blogging, I'm back in the saddle! Feel free to stop by for a look. If you've forgotten, the address is THANKS!


November 4, 2007


Sorry, I can only access certain songs- the ones that are offered through the slide show website. So, I'll just take the first song off and leave Harry Connick on.

Check out my slide show

He's Finally Here...on the blog!

FINALLY!!! Here he is! I know you've all been dying to see Jeff and Natalie's new little addition. We went there Fri. night for a visit and we were blown away at how small he is! With Holden being the "baby" in our family, we have forgotten how tiny newborns are! I just snapped a bunch of photos. He doesn't really pose yet, so sorry if there isn't a huge difference in most of the pics, but I though especially Amy and Marshall would appreciate seeing any glimpses we can give them since they are so far away. So, here again, is Ashton Jeffrey Loveridge!