April 4, 2008
Lost Carebear
April 2, 2008
One Year Older and Wiser, Too

HAPPY BIRTHDAY AUNT SUSAN!!! I just thought we could wish Aunt Susan a happy birthday! I think this is "Sensational at Sixty" right? I was thinking of a fun memory of her, and the first memory that popped into my head was driving in the car listening to "Rosanna"...blasting away, and all singing along! Of course her fabulous cookies and chocolate cake frosting come to mind in a hurry! When I was dating Adam Zimmerman, he used to love to go to her house on our dates because she was always so welcoming and charming! She is the best hostess ever, and can throw a buffet together faster than anyone I know. She's the ring-pop, popcorn, burrito queen! She's a care-taker, always helping others, even small animals. My whole life she had pets around. What a woman! We love you, Aunt Sue!!! Have a GREAT DAY!!!!
April 1, 2008
Just a note...
Everyone, I just wanted to say thanks for making Bethany's blessing day so special. It was really amazing to look out during the meeting and see the faces of (almost) all of my siblings, nieces and nephews, and my parents. It was really hard to express in the moment how grateful I am for our family, but I guess a blog is always just as good! I just hope you all know how lucky we are to have such a close family. I hear other friends talk about their extended family like you would an irritating pet...and it makes me so grateful that we have each other. So, I'm making a list of one thing I love about each of you.
Dad: You're the life of the party. What an amazing sense of humor you have. Thanks for always making us laugh. (not that you come to this blog, though!)
Mom: You're the center of the party...every even revolves around you and Dad and actually, all those events happen because of the closeness you have instilled in each of us to each other
Michael: You're endlessly serving, as simple as that. If you're not at work, you're at someone else's home helping them do something they can't do alone, never expecting anything in return. You're amazing.
Jenn: You're the extra-miler. When it seems like all the work is done, you pitch in and find something ELSE to do to help...dishes and clean-up at EVERY family gathering. You're everyone's best friend.
Jeff: You're the gentle giant who works unbelievably hard, and diligently until you're done. You absolutely LIVE what you are teaching those seminary kids each day. A stalwart and amazing example.
Natalie: A silent sufferer. I've never seen anyone go through what you go through and yet endure so patiently and quietly. You're optimistic and loving, and an excellent mom!
Tim: You're amazingly personable. You always have a minute to talk to ANYONE about ANYTHING. You're unwaivering in your values and principles. You also seem to make more out of your free time than anyone else I know, accomplishing much.
Tiffany: You're the gracious hostess. You are always looking for the simple touches to make the family events elegant and memorable. You're a great listener, and always trying to be a better person (and frankly, accomplishing it!)
Josh: You're a very loving and devoted father, and talented in so many areas from dance to home repair...you name it! You're brilliant and a very hard-working student with a great future ahead!
Carrie: You're (sorry, folks) the favorite aunt, always playing with the kids and teaching them new and fun games that we used to play when we were kids. You're also the most competitive game-player :) and most elaborate decorator with an amazing flair for table settings!
Marshall: You're the well-rounded friend to everyone. Betos with Dad, Golf with John, Hiking with Tim, Blackhawk Down with Jeff, debates with me; everyone has a special interest in you and you take a special interest in them.
Amy: You're the artist. From flannel boards to quiet books, teepees to hand-knitted quilts, you have the touch to turn something shabby into something fabulous. You're also the baby sister who has grown into an example of for us of parenting and friendshipping.
Christian: You're just the coolest little brother anyone could have. You're in that great stage of life when you share your music, your dreams, and your dating life with those who have the patience to work it out of you! You're a hard-working guy with great grades, and a GREAT personality.
I love you all! We're so lucky to have each other with our many varied and different talents, that woven together make one amazing tapestry.

(or is that "blended together make one amazing smoothie"

or "mixed together make one amazing cookie")?

Oh well, whichever one it is, I think we make a great family team.
Have a good day, and thanks for making mine.
Dad: You're the life of the party. What an amazing sense of humor you have. Thanks for always making us laugh. (not that you come to this blog, though!)
Mom: You're the center of the party...every even revolves around you and Dad and actually, all those events happen because of the closeness you have instilled in each of us to each other
Michael: You're endlessly serving, as simple as that. If you're not at work, you're at someone else's home helping them do something they can't do alone, never expecting anything in return. You're amazing.
Jenn: You're the extra-miler. When it seems like all the work is done, you pitch in and find something ELSE to do to help...dishes and clean-up at EVERY family gathering. You're everyone's best friend.
Jeff: You're the gentle giant who works unbelievably hard, and diligently until you're done. You absolutely LIVE what you are teaching those seminary kids each day. A stalwart and amazing example.
Natalie: A silent sufferer. I've never seen anyone go through what you go through and yet endure so patiently and quietly. You're optimistic and loving, and an excellent mom!
Tim: You're amazingly personable. You always have a minute to talk to ANYONE about ANYTHING. You're unwaivering in your values and principles. You also seem to make more out of your free time than anyone else I know, accomplishing much.
Tiffany: You're the gracious hostess. You are always looking for the simple touches to make the family events elegant and memorable. You're a great listener, and always trying to be a better person (and frankly, accomplishing it!)
Josh: You're a very loving and devoted father, and talented in so many areas from dance to home repair...you name it! You're brilliant and a very hard-working student with a great future ahead!
Carrie: You're (sorry, folks) the favorite aunt, always playing with the kids and teaching them new and fun games that we used to play when we were kids. You're also the most competitive game-player :) and most elaborate decorator with an amazing flair for table settings!
Marshall: You're the well-rounded friend to everyone. Betos with Dad, Golf with John, Hiking with Tim, Blackhawk Down with Jeff, debates with me; everyone has a special interest in you and you take a special interest in them.
Amy: You're the artist. From flannel boards to quiet books, teepees to hand-knitted quilts, you have the touch to turn something shabby into something fabulous. You're also the baby sister who has grown into an example of for us of parenting and friendshipping.
Christian: You're just the coolest little brother anyone could have. You're in that great stage of life when you share your music, your dreams, and your dating life with those who have the patience to work it out of you! You're a hard-working guy with great grades, and a GREAT personality.
I love you all! We're so lucky to have each other with our many varied and different talents, that woven together make one amazing tapestry.

(or is that "blended together make one amazing smoothie"

or "mixed together make one amazing cookie")?

Oh well, whichever one it is, I think we make a great family team.
Have a good day, and thanks for making mine.
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