Waiting in line and freezing outside of Chuckarama (39 degrees). Optimistic Kim and Jennifer thought we'd get in quickly and didn't bring coats! It was cold. Not pictured: Mama Love, Grandma Love, Jeff, Jennifer, Michael, and some grandkids who were running around.
They actually seated everyone together (22 of us), with one long table and two adjacent booths. It was noisy, crowded, and fun! Not the homey Thanksgiving we all prefer, but it was fun to try just this once! Besides, has anyone EVER brought slushies and soft-serve to Thanksgiving? The kids loved it.
I myself ate heartily, loading up on mashed potatoes, turkey, and hot scones with honey butter! Despite the nutritious meal I placed before her, Elizabeth's Thanksgiving meal consisted entirely of rootbeer.
Just love the pics. Thanks Tiffany for posting them. I enjoy reading about your darling family traditions! Glad you had such a lovely Thanksgiving.
how fun to make pretend snow! how do you do that exactly!?!?
im amazed and concerned that you all went to up-chuck-a-rama for thanksgiving?!?!??!?! will this be a tradition or just the one time run thru trial?!?!
i need to post some pics when we get home--we're still partying up here at the hales house at 930..
I love you guys! Seeing these pics makes me miss you all soooo much... Only 19 days to go before we get to play with all of you!
I heard that y'all forgot your coats as you waited outside in line in the FREEZING cold.... oops!
No worries, Christina. First and last time, methinks! I was dying for some leftovers Sunday afternoon.
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