So, why am I bringing this up? Because I don't think that ANYTHING that is "worth it" comes very easy these days. I bring this up after washing 17 pairs of training underwear. Whose? No, not mine, although without mentioning specifics, pregnancy can be such a pain sometimes.... Actually, they were Matthew's. Mom clued me in years ago to the one-day potty training method where you spend the whole day in the bathroom with treats...
Matthew is strange. I knew this was going to be an uphill trek before we started, but I had no idea. My neighbor lent me "potty power," Matthew's favorite movie by his own admission, and we've been watching it for weeks....time after time (and if I get that silly song "whaddya like to do when you're sittin' on the potty" stuck in my mind for one more day in a row I'm gonna die!!!) So I thought he was ready.
After his first time sitting there, I used a little warm water poured down his back to encourage the process...and it worked. He was so excited, quickly wiped his bottom (though he didn't really need to, but did it with such precision I allowed him to continue) and washed his hands...all while singing the corresponding songs from the video. I then told him that he gets a "chocolate treat" every time he goes, and would he like one? "No thanks" was his reply. WHAT????? If I was offered a chocolate treat for climbing Mt. Everest and back, I'd certainly accept! So what do you do for incentive when your kid doesn't want treats?
Throughout the day, and after a few "mishaps" I was reminded that it takes a few tries before the underwear actually stays dry.... but by 8 p.m. I was discouraged. Not one su
ccess. Not one pair of dry underwear. Not one "I have to go" or anything like that. We put a pull-up on him just so I could see if those little stars would disappear off the front by morning...and they did....so we began again (this time with "cars" underwear that I had to create myself with a sharpie because Matthew was not happy with the flowered stuff...and I was suspicious that this was why he wet so much...so he could get new undies.)

Well, needless to say, by bedtime, and many loads of laundry later, we succumbed and put a diaper on. In the morning, I didn't even bother with the underwear. Certainly after TWO DAYS I should have seen a little progress....
Oh well. I never said it would be easy. I just hope that someday it's worth it.
my jon too gets bugged when people over quote or misquote that saying..
potty training! so far ive only had to potty train 2 out of my 4 girls- HELLO! when we went to brazil for 3 weeks..i came back and anna was potty trained?!?! how that happened i have no idea!! but how fabulous for me right!!
for becca i have a friend who only has 6 boys and REALLY needs some estrogen so she wants to potty train becca for me-do a "potty training camp" and HOW CAN I NOT say YES TO THAT RIGHT!?!?! so we've been talking to her about goign to potty school..i'll keep you posted!
i know when i did the older 2- i put them in undies and SWEATS to catch all the mishap that leaks..
That is so funny... (um, in a not-so-funny-way for you, i guess) I am sooo not ready for that phase yet. Just go and read my comments from my latest blog post about Ava... I experienced the yuckiest parenting moment last night and I now know that I have to mentally prepare myself before we enter the potty-training world... I know it's not that big of a deal, but I am definitely a gagger...
All I can say is, how fun for you! I was supposed to be potty training E. this month but can't seem to work up the desire! Good luck to you.
Amy, you're so funny...the things you gag over!
I just say DIAPERS FOREVER!!! lol....it works great for me! :) I KNOW Holden won't give me any trouble when this time comes...uh huh....sure.... lol
Amy....stop gagging! ;)
PS...and.. if Holden is really any child of mine... the chocolate WILL work! lol
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