December 2, 2007

The Spirit of The Festival of Trees

I hope you all made it to the Festival of Trees....Andrew had a favorite Gingerbread house...although MANY were SO impressive, he begged me to take a picture of this one....Sorry Marsh, Michael, Tim, and Jeff! (and various of your offspring!)
Though perhaps not your favorite place on earth, I thought the creativity behind this was fun. They even included the Ute section and the scoreboard if you look closely....

The Press boxes are there, and the stadium lights were made of pretzels and lemonheads. Mom said that I missed capturing the other video board that had a picture of football players on it. Note the small cougar above in the bottom left-hand corner. Fun.


Anonymous said...

So how much money did John shell out for that one? ;)

Kim said...

It was sold. I think it was decorated by our friends, actually! There was also a star wars tree that was decorated and donated by Julie Knapp Meyer and her husband. It was cool. Did you get there?

Anonymous said...

No, we didn't get there this year...and I was teasing about you guys buying it!

Christina said...

that looks fun! the stadium one is hilarious..

next year invite the hales crew to the ugly sweater contest--we could post a photo for you!! hahah