The place for all the happenings in the Loveridge Family!
February 8, 2008
I got this email from Kim this morning, and had a good laugh! Ashley has a good memory, huh!? I guess she can always tease me for being afraid of anything that moves! (Furthermore, Adam, I'm still trying to think how I am going to get you back for chasing me with that snake in Rochester!)Maybe instead of competing for the "Favorite Aunt" spot, I should just take my "Fraidy Cat Aunt" award and run! It's good to know we are missed!
"Hey Aimers, I think the kids are really excited to see you this summer! I found this picture in my room this morning and got a good chuckle. Hopefully you will, too! See you soon! Love your "fraidy" guts! --Kim"
That's so funny...I logged on to post the picture, and you already had. Truthfully, I never had such a good laugh as when JEFF AND MICHAEL were squealing in fright the summer we hunted the snakes in our pond. I told Adam I'd pay $5 per snake because the "big boys" were too scared to do it. Although, once John got his soft-air gun, the fun really began. I started calling him "Jack Bauer Bytheway." ;)
does anyone else think it's time for a new family picture?
coming up . . .
18th--Johnsons host Haunted Gingerbread House FHE
23 & 24--Ashley stars as "comic Camel" in Carden's ALADDIN
4th--Don't forget to VOTE!!!
5th--Celebrate or Cry day, based on election results
6th--Elizabeth turns 4!!!
13 &14--Andrew stars as "Dr. Doolittle" in Carden play
15th--LOVERIDGE FHE (not sure who hosts)
22nd--BYU vs. U of U--Party at Mom's house
22nd--Mom and Dad's 39th anniversary
26th--ANNUAL PIE PIG OUT!!!! (Mom's house)
27th--THANKSGIVING (It's the OFF year, so enjoy those in-laws!)
28th--John and Kim's 13th anniversary
Now that our family is getting a little more blog-savvy, we've got a new and improved website for the Loveridge clan! Please feel free to post announcements and pictures from your own family, pictures from recent family gatherings, and any calendar events you'd like everyone to be aware of.
Just please be careful not to put any personal information (such as addresses where we will be meeting). Have fun!
That's so funny...I logged on to post the picture, and you already had. Truthfully, I never had such a good laugh as when JEFF AND MICHAEL were squealing in fright the summer we hunted the snakes in our pond. I told Adam I'd pay $5 per snake because the "big boys" were too scared to do it. Although, once John got his soft-air gun, the fun really began. I started calling him "Jack Bauer Bytheway." ;)
Too funny! And is that supposed to be Adam laughing on the ground?
yep! the Partners in Crime...don't let their little angelic faces fool you! BEWARE!
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