The place for all the happenings in the Loveridge Family!
October 6, 2007
The family that poops together....well.....
Hey everyone. I am sorry to post these things but I know that my success is everyone's success when it comes to smelling Matthew's diapers...and thus, I'm sharing a success. Knowing that Tiffany is having success potty-training Elizabeth (who, by the way is 7 months younger than Matthew) I figured I had better give this another go before it gets too close to the baby being born.
I woke up and figured since i would be glued to the couch most of the day listening to and watching conference that it might be a good day for potty-training: part II. Little did I know that the Oreos would make all the difference. I pulled them out, and since Matthew was the one to choose them at the grocery store, it was all the incentive he needed. He must have gone "potty" 8 times in the first hour.
However....Three tiny almond-sized poop accidents in the underwear later, I realized I needed new incentive. I pulled out the "lightning McQueen" costume I had been saving until Halloween. (Desperate times call for desperate measures.) Then I sat him down, and told him he couldn't get off the toilet until he pooped in it...and that he could have the costume afterward. I went off to do some laundry, and not 15 minutes later, he called me in yelling, "Mommy, I pooped in the toilet!" I expected to come in and see a little "almond" as per past performance, but there was honest-to-goodness real-sized poop in there!!! I was so excited. ALL of the other kids I think were even more excited than I was! They grabbed him, cheered him on, started a parade with him.....great peer support!
He is currently prancing around in his costume. I started him again on the kid laxative (as per doctor's instructions for those of you who don't know that he struggles with constipation), so I don't know how long the pooping success will last. The last dosages of laxative were too strong and produced diarrhea. I'm not looking forward to that!!!! But for the most part, I think he's got it down. -Kim
what there's a kid laxative??? ALL of my girls suffer from constipation..ive found that as long as they are eating apples or apple juice..problem solved..
NEXT WEEK becca is FINALLY going to potty training camp! my friend says she can do it in ONE DAY!??! WHAT?? she has 6 boys and said thats all it took-i will keep you posted--she'll go wed/thur...
congrats on your success!! who doesnt love a good poop!
Way to go..I'm so proud of you! This weekend has been so up and down for us. . .accident, success, accident, success, accident, accident, accident, accident (do I have to take your new dolls away?) success.
I'm still planning on coming to Mom and Dad's tomorrow, so she'd better shape up! I told her we couldn't go see Matthew unless she went poop and potty on the she ran right upstairs and did it. I think she can do it if she wants to, so I'm trying to stay positive.
does anyone else think it's time for a new family picture?
coming up . . .
18th--Johnsons host Haunted Gingerbread House FHE
23 & 24--Ashley stars as "comic Camel" in Carden's ALADDIN
4th--Don't forget to VOTE!!!
5th--Celebrate or Cry day, based on election results
6th--Elizabeth turns 4!!!
13 &14--Andrew stars as "Dr. Doolittle" in Carden play
15th--LOVERIDGE FHE (not sure who hosts)
22nd--BYU vs. U of U--Party at Mom's house
22nd--Mom and Dad's 39th anniversary
26th--ANNUAL PIE PIG OUT!!!! (Mom's house)
27th--THANKSGIVING (It's the OFF year, so enjoy those in-laws!)
28th--John and Kim's 13th anniversary
Now that our family is getting a little more blog-savvy, we've got a new and improved website for the Loveridge clan! Please feel free to post announcements and pictures from your own family, pictures from recent family gatherings, and any calendar events you'd like everyone to be aware of.
Just please be careful not to put any personal information (such as addresses where we will be meeting). Have fun!
what there's a kid laxative??? ALL of my girls suffer from constipation..ive found that as long as they are eating apples or apple juice..problem solved..
NEXT WEEK becca is FINALLY going to potty training camp! my friend says she can do it in ONE DAY!??! WHAT?? she has 6 boys and said thats all it took-i will keep you posted--she'll go wed/thur...
congrats on your success!! who doesnt love a good poop!
Way to go..I'm so proud of you! This weekend has been so up and down for us. . .accident, success, accident, success, accident, accident, accident, accident (do I have to take your new dolls away?) success.
I'm still planning on coming to Mom and Dad's tomorrow, so she'd better shape up! I told her we couldn't go see Matthew unless she went poop and potty on the she ran right upstairs and did it. I think she can do it if she wants to, so I'm trying to stay positive.
I am so excited about the potty training thing... have a great day!!
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